The Novel Experience

The Novel Experience is an intensive all-day workshop that will teach you how to write that novel you’ve always wanted to write.

Whether you don’t know where to start, or you’re writing but struggling, The Novel Experience is the perfect workshop for you!

Among the things you’ll learn are:

    • Structure: Structure is the foundation of storytelling. It gives the prose shape, and is the road the narrative travels. Without it, there’s only aimlessness. Everybody talks about the three-act structure, but what is it? How does it function? Learn why it’s been the basis for storytelling across every medium – from books to plays to films to television – for millennia, and how you can apply it to your own story.
    • Plot: A plot drives the story and is the reason that the characters exist. But how do you plot something as comprehensive as a novel? What makes a good plot versus a bad plot? There are pitfalls to be avoided, and means to keep your plotting compelling.
    • Characters: Characters are our chaperones through stories. But how do we make them engaging? How do you create a character who is three-dimensional, will engage the reader, and let the reader live vicariously through them? Learn everything you need to know – from arcs to how history impacts the character’s present to even how to name them.
    • Stakes: How do stakes factor into your characters’ lives and the story overall? What exactly do they do? What would a story be without them? A lot of people sit down and write their story without examining this fundamental requirement.
    • Prose and Voice: This is a popular question in writing. What is voice? How does it connect with the reader? How does voice interact with prose? And what makes good prose? We’re taught so many things from so many different sources, but so often they confuse the writer and hinder them from writing engaging prose and finding their genuine voice.
    • Genre and Marketplace: This would seem such a simple part of the equation, but it’s surprising just how many writers don’t consider this before they sit down to write. Instead, they write without definition. But that can create issues in how the writer tackles their story.
    • Revision: Once you’ve finished your story, what do you do next? How do you approach revision? A lot of authors flounder in this regard, but good writing is just as much about rewriting. But just how do you do that?
    • Traditional vs Indie Publishing: What do you do with your book once it’s written? Traditional publishing has always been considered the only valid pathway, but indie publishing is gaining more and more legitimacy. Here’s an exploration about the best way of moving forward.
    • Submitting: Where do you go next?
    • Good Writing Practices: It’s easy to talk about all these things, and the theory can be exciting, but how do you put it into practice? What are the ways that you can get the most out of yourself as a writer?

Some people have the misconception that writing is a spill, just a case of pouring your imagination onto the page.

But writing is a craft, and it requires skills like any other craft.

Give yourself the best chance of writing that novel with The Novel Experience!

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