• Life of the Mind

    Midnight’s Dawning: An Opening

    In the very early 1990s, I wrote a fantasy epic entitled Midnight’s Dawning. Ever since, I’ve toyed with a word-one rewrite. Here’s the very first chapter roughly redrafted … * Arim bolted down the winding mountain trail, knowing that if he was late getting back he would be flogged – if not worse. Although he was only twelve, he was still a slave, which meant the Tybrans would discipline him if they saw fit.      The sun beat down on his head and his breath was ragged in his chest. It was only morning, but already scorching – although it was always hot in the morning. He slowed down as…

  • Little Diva Rising

    An Introduction to Little Diva Rising

    Life has been busy lately with all sorts of things happening. I’ve tried to keep writing throughout, tried to find pockets of time to work in. Lately, I’ve been juggling a bit more, because I’ve been submitting to various screenwriting comps, and deadlines have been pressing. Then, depending on the screenplay, I’ll give it another once-over – if I can. One screenplay I hoped to prepare – one of my favourites – became the subject of an exhaustive revision. I didn’t expect that. But a prior competition had offered feedback, and some of it had opened new possibilities. Once I got stuck into those possibilities, well, the revision became largely…