• Life of the Mind

    An Exploration of August Falling

    I’ve had one novella published, and there’s maybe fifteen unpublished manuscripts that sit on my computer in various states – from, This has potential, to I should revise this one day, to This should never see light again. One of my favourites is my most recent published novel: August Falling (Pantera Press 2018). I read a romantic comedy/relationship novel about six years ago. The writing was good. The voice was excellent. The story engaged me immediately. Then it proceeded to enrage me. It was a just happens to story. That means nothing was earned. No reaction was a result of somebody’s action. Things just happened because they needed to in…

  • One Terrific Lie


    One thing I realised when I rewrote the conclusion of Just Another Week in Suburbia is that the original conversation between Casper and Jane was too scattered. Part of that was intended to follow Casper’s fragmented thinking. And part of it was just me trying to cram everything in and letting stream of consciousness dictate the order (or the disorder, if you like). The conversation (published in the book) works much better. There’s an evolution to it. It starts with a sense of hopelessness, explores all the dark nooks, and then retreats just enough towards the light to offer hope – or at least the glimmer of it. Interestingly, people…