• The Other Me

    The Other Me

    ‘Weird’ iv. For years, my brothers – Lou and Nick – had a weekly social game of something or other with cousins and friends. Usually, it was soccer. I was hopeless at soccer, and only played it as a last resort. Lately, my brothers played football. I’d never been invited to play because I was the baby. Regardless of my age and size, I always would be. But my cousin Roo – who was several months younger than me – had been invited to play, so my brothers could no longer rule me out due to age. The first game I played I was horrible. I had nil stamina. I’d…

  • The Other Me

    The Other Me

    ‘The Broken Road’ iv. I woke, groggy, in Recovery. A nurse told me I had a clicker in my hand for morphine. Then she wheeled my bed to my ward. It would’ve been early very early morning. I drifted in and out of sleep. The leg must’ve hurt, because come the morning they took the morphine clicker away as they said I’d used it too much – not that I remember using it at all. But things were going to be okay. Surely. Doctors did their morning rounds and came to talk to me. They pulled the sheet away from my leg. I expected to see a plaster cast. Uh…