TrailerWatch: Star Trek Discovery ~ Season 4
Just when you thought it was safe to venture back into the galaxy … Star Trek: Discovery dropped their season 4 trailer. It features an anomaly threatening the universe! What? you might ask yourself. That’s novel! Because that’s all that happens in these stories: there are constant cataclysmic threats. We never know why. There’s no causal pathway for how these things occur. They just are, and the characters must address the situation, or face obliteration. But what piqued my interest in the Discovery trailer is one of the visuals. What’re we seeing here? Discovery has always been visually gorgeous. Every episode is a movie aesthetically. Even this trailer will wow…
A Look Back: Star Trek – The Motion Picture
Before looking back at Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979), I have to go back even further for context. The original pilot for Star Trek: The Original Series (1966 – 69), “The Cage” didn’t sell because it was considered too cerebral. Out went Captain Christopher Pike (Jeffrey Hunter) as the commanding officer of the USS Enterprise 1701, and in came Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) for the new pilot as the series became a little more action-oriented. The struggles of The Original Series – including the letter-writing campaign that resurrected it after it had been axed following season two – have been well documented. But it lasted only one…