Old vs New: Star Wars Prequels vs Sequels
The Star Wars Prequels are generally reviled. The Sequels, on the other hand, polarize fans. For most, though, it’s a case of diminishing returns. Many loved The Force Awakens, are divided over The Last Jedi, and most agree The Rise of Skywalker is a mess. I think they’re all terrible. I don’t believe the Prequels are great movies, but they do have great moments. They also have great Star Wars moments. The Sequels don’t have any. I can easily find a handful in each of the Prequels. For example, when Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are trying to get through the door to accost the Trade Federation leaders in The Phantom Menace:…
TrailerWatch: Star Trek Discovery ~ Season 4
Just when you thought it was safe to venture back into the galaxy … Star Trek: Discovery dropped their season 4 trailer. It features an anomaly threatening the universe! What? you might ask yourself. That’s novel! Because that’s all that happens in these stories: there are constant cataclysmic threats. We never know why. There’s no causal pathway for how these things occur. They just are, and the characters must address the situation, or face obliteration. But what piqued my interest in the Discovery trailer is one of the visuals. What’re we seeing here? Discovery has always been visually gorgeous. Every episode is a movie aesthetically. Even this trailer will wow…